Taking Time to Meditate
Chad Johnson
March 18, 2011

But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. Psalm 1:2 KJV

I am often amazed of how busy people seem to be in this world.

There has never been a time in history when we have so many time-saving devices, yet we seem to have less time than any other generation. I am afraid that we all have too many things distracting us from the truly important things in our spiritual lives.

The first verse of this Psalm tell us that a man that does not walk with the ungodly is a blessed man. We are called to be a light and witness to the lost world, but we are not to walk with, stand with or sit with them.

Our text verse refers to this blessed man from verse one.

First we see that his delight is in the law or word of God. Most of the people I talk to say they believe the Bible is true and that they value the Bible above all books.

My question to you is do you delight in the word of God?

The word delight means to value greatly, a pleasure, something desired. The holy word of God should be a delight to all the redeemed of the Lord.

There are times I can hardly wait to get home and open the blessed word. If you delight in the word, you will regularly read it. You will also apply it to your life. I am amazed at people who say they are saved, but remove what the word of God says from how they live.

Then our verse says that this blessed man will meditate on the law of God. The word meditate means to study or ponder on. We as God’s people must make time to get alone in the secret place and ponder God’s word.

The devil does not want us to ponder or think on God’s word. We must be aware of his devices that steal our time of meditation. I know those who try to read a certain amount of scripture each day to get through the Bible in a year.

There is nothing wrong with this in itself, but if you don’t meditate on and apply to your life what you read, it is useless.

It is better to meditate on one verse than to read a thousand with no thought or understanding. This blessed man meditated day and night. We should continually be thinking of the word of God.

I notice that our blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ often pulled away from the crowd to pray and meditate.

In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus pulled away from His disciples to pray and meditate.

Lord help me to ponder, study on, meditate upon your infallible word. Amen!